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If you have a wish for Lily-Rose King to write about your favourite character among her male or female characters in one of her trilogies, or if you have pieces of a romantic plot in your mind that you would love to read as a full Lily-Rose King story, you can submit your wish and e-mail to:


and the assistant to Lily-Rose King will contact you to brainstorm about the story. Only your imagination sets the limits!

After the brainstorm, Lily-Rose King will let her creativity run wild, and an original Lily-Rose King book (copyright PINK INK BOOKS) will be the result. As her writing is always governed by her own creativity, she might add or distract from your discussion, as she always wants the characters in her books to have the liberty to take her in directions, no-one can predict. But at the centre of the story will be your wishes!

If this sounds fun, don't hesitate to get in contact!

